Watch: KIRK HAMMETT Trips And Falls On Stage During METALLICA's Concert In Detroit

November 17, 2023

METALLICA's Kirk Hammett tripped and fell very awkwardly, partly on his purple ESP guitar, during the band's concert this past Sunday, November 12 at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan.

The incident happened during the intro tape to "Fight Fire With Fire", just as Hammett and his bandmates had finished playing "Moth Into Flame".

After falling on stage, Hammett laid there for a second, got up, and in frustration threw the guitar approximately 20 feet across the stage toward his guitar technician. He yelled profanities, but quickly got on another guitar and got to the other side of the stage in time for the start of "Fight Fire With Fire". A few songs later, the purple ESP was back in action.

Video of the incident from three different angles can be found below.

Sunday's concert closed out METALLICA's two-night stand at Ford Field. It was the final show of the band's current U.S. tour.

Prior to this past weekend's concerts, METALLICA last played in Detroit in 2017 at Comerica Park.

The "M72" tour features a bold new in-the-round stage design that relocates the famed METALLICA Snake Pit to center stage, allowing promoters to sell more tickets than usual. And since METALLICA's stage is hollow in the center, there is even more space available to accommodate fans.

According to Billboard, METALLICA's giant ring-shaped stage also includes eight towers of monitors and speakers, with each of the towers is anchored by a raised platform that doubles as VIP seating, with eight folding chairs decorated with the black-and-yellow color scheme of the band's new album, "72 Seasons".

The "M72" tour launched in late April in Amsterdam.

A portion of proceeds from the shows go to METALLICA's All Within My Hands foundation, which seeks to assist and enrich the lives of members of the communities who have supported the band and combat food insecurity; provides disaster relief; and bestows scholarships.

METALLICA's production travels in 87 trucks — 45 for the band and its setup, plus two groups of 21 each for the steel stage and towers. There are 130 people in the band's crew, plus 40 steelworkers, local hires and truck drivers.

ESP builds a quality instrument! Kirk Hammett had a little mishap Sunday evening during night 2 in Detroit and took a tumble and the guitar likely took most of the blow. That toss at the end ?? even the greatest performers have accidents. Nonetheless, the Mighty Metallica never disappoints and he went right back to shredding ?

Posted by Tyler Hassett on Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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